Sign up for a Retreat
Click the button below to choose your retreat and register online.
*If you are a volunteer, click below as well.*
St. Lawrence’s Confirmation program begins in 9th Grade and concludes with Confirmation in 11th Grade.
9th Grade:
- Fall Retreat
10th Grade:
- Fall Retreat
11th Grade:
- Parent and Teen Meeting
- Three Sundays of one hour classes
- One Day Retreat
Learning anything takes practice and if it is complicated, it is best to break it up and tackle it over time. These retreats are designed to educate and form you in your faith and prepare you for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
These retreats are designed for Freshman and Sophomore students preparing for Confirmation. See the individual retreats for more information on individual events.
The retreats are not mandatory. However, they are designed to prepare you for Confirmation. We believe it makes a better retreat experience for everyone if they are simply highly encouraged by the Parish and parents. If the students want to be there and see the benefit, then they will learn and grow more.
The retreats are not the same. Every retreat you attend is not repeating anything you have already heard. The content builds on previous retreats while being designed to present new information.